Lodná spoločnosť Viking Cruises pôsobí na trhu už viac ako 20 rokov a s jeho hlavným vedením vo Švajčiarsku patrí medzi uznávaných lídrov a najviac oceňované spoločnosti v tejto oblasti.
Viking je finančne stabilná a neustále rastúca spoločnosť s viac ako 60 riečnymi, 6 zaoceánskymi a 2 expedičnými loďami. To umožňuje veľa pracovných príležitosti a obrovský potenciál na kariérny postup.
Úspech spoločnosti Viking Cruises v rozhodujúcej miere závisí od oddanosti a skvelej motivácii viac ako 10 000 zamestnancov.
Riečne lode Viking spolu preplávajú až 34 krajín a plávajú po najväčších riekach v Európe - Rýn, Dunaj, Moselle, Labe, Rhône, Seine a Douro.
Najviac navštevované miesta Viking River Cruises:
- 4*/5* moderné riečne lode
- 32 až 50 Crew/členov posádky na loď
- 112 až 198 hostí na loď
- Prevažne americká, austrálska a britská klientela
- Švajčiarske alebo francúzske pracovné zmluvy
- Hradené zdravotné, sociálne a dôchodkové poistenie, poistenie v nezamestnanosti a prídavky na dieťa
- Automatické zvyšovanie platu po ukončení sezóne
- Bonus po ukončení sezóny podľa počtu odrobených dní
- Zabezpečené ubytovanie a strava
- Preplácané náklady na vycestovanie
- Moderné kabíny s internetom (Wi-Fi)
- Poskytnutá kompletná uniforma
- Nárok na platenú dovolenku každých 6 - 8 týždňov, cca 10 -14 dní
- Dĺžka sezóny/zmluvy od marca do novembra/januára
- Možnosť nástupu priebežne počas celej sezóny
- Zabezpečený tréning pred i po nástupe na loď
- Možnosť nástupu aj pre neskúsených kandidátov, ktorí najskôr absolvujú rozsiahli tréning ukončený certifikátom - Viking Newcomer Training
- Hotel Manager, Program Director, F&B Manager,
- Guest Service Agent, Guest Service Manager
- Executive Chef, Sous Chef, Chef de Partie, Commis de Cuisine, Utility
- Housekeeper, Stateroom Steward/Stewardess
- Maitre´D, Bar Chef, Bar Waiter, Chef de Rang
Pre kandidátov bez praxe (na pozíciu absolvujete tréning - The Viking Newcomer Training):
- Trainne Chef de Rang (čašník - reštaurácia)
- Trainne Stateroom Steward-ess (chyžná - housekeeping)
- Trainee Commis de Cuisine (pomocný kuchár)
Ak ste vždy snívali o tom, že svoju lásku k cestovaniu spojíte s naštartovaním kariéry, potom je Viking skvelou voľbou. Absolvujte tréning na jednej z hotelových pozícii prostredníctvom - The Viking Newcomer Training. Ak chcete začať, stačí splniť všeobecné požiadavky programu. Vyškolení budete priamo na palube tréningovej lode Viking, naučíte sa všetko o danej pozícii a dozviete sa, aké to je pracovať na riečnej výletnej lodi. Tréningový program je možné absolvovať za 2–5 týždňov, dĺžka závisí od pozície. Po jeho úspešnom ukončení sa nalodíte na jednu z Viking riečnych lodí a začnete pracovať na rovnakej pozícii.
We are proud to employ approximately 10,000 of our own crew worldwide—all dedicated to making our guests’ stay the most memorable possible. Our Swiss based management team oversees our global operations, from shore excursions and catering to nautical operations, and when you work for Viking, you are part of that team. At Viking, we care about your career as much as you do, and we will give you the training, skills and confidence you need to be the best you can be. We even have a custom training program, Viking College, to help you learn and sharpen your skills. We offer great opportunities for promotion through which you will be rewarded for your hard work, enthusiasm, initiative and sense of responsibility. In fact, we very much hope that once you have joined us, you will stay with us, just like the 97% of our employees who come back to us—one of the highest retention rates in the industry (Viking Cruises).
As The World’s Leading River Cruise Line® and the #1 Ocean Cruise Line, we are constantly innovating and adding to our fleet each year. This means great opportunities for those who work for us. There is tremendous potential to advance your career, whether on board our ships or in our corporate offices. In addition, more people sail with Viking® than any other river cruise line, and we have over 40% of the market share. Our customers are English speaking, and the majority are Americans with an interest in the history and culture of the countries through which we sail. Because our onboard product and service quality levels are high, our customers are typically very satisfied, and this combined with generous gratuity guidelines means that as an employee on board a Viking ship, you can be well rewarded financially when you work for us (Viking Cruises).
Can I Choose Which Ship Or Itinerary I Work On? Crew members are generally assigned to a ship based on operational needs. Exceptions are possible but very uncommon. Due to the many exciting itineraries that our ships sail, we are certain you will be happy with the location of your assignment.
Are There Opportunities To Advance Within The Company? Viking’s employee advancement guidelines are based on attitude and performance rather than seniority. We STRONGLY believe in career development and promoting from within our own crew whenever possible.
What Is Viking’s Grooming Policy? For Viking, our guests’ professional perception of our crew is very important. Because we are working in the field of hospitality and setting the standard in the cruise industry, we want all of our crew to be at their best. Our Grooming Policy includes natural-looking and well-maintained hair color at all times. For male applicants, a clean-shaven look must be maintained at all times while on duty.
What About Washing Uniforms And My Own Clothes? Your uniform is taken care of by your colleagues in the Laundry Department. To wash your personal clothes, we have crew washing machines and dryers at your disposal.
How Long Is The Probationary Period? Viking’s probationary period is 3 months. During this period, the crew member’s performance will be monitored and coaching will be provided if necessary.
Can My Contract Be Renewed After Each Disembarkation? Yes! We are very happy to see our crew members coming back for another season with us. Our employee return rate is 95%—the highest in the industry. Typically, you will have already received your return date once you sign off from your current contract.
How Many Nationalities Are Represented At Viking? We are proud to employ over 70 different nationalities at Viking – on board of our ships and in our corporate offices.
What Do I Wear? Where Will I Sleep, And Is There A Meal Plan? We certainly do not expect you to bring your own work attire. We supply a state-of-the-art uniform to you free of charge (a reimbursable deposit is required). While on board during your contract, accommodations and excellent food are provided. Depending on your position, you will share your cabin with one other person maximum. Viking is proud to offer one- or two-passenger crew cabins.
Will I Be Able To Get Off The Ship When It Is In Port? Viking itineraries are very port-extensive. That means we are in a different port practically every day for an extended period of time. Thus, while not on duty, most crew members are allowed and encouraged to get off the ship and explore the wonderful destinations around the world. Generally, crew members are allowed to be off the ship until one hour prior to departure.
How Will I Be Paid? Your salary will be transferred to the bank account of your choice (restrictions for accounts outside Europe might apply). It is important that you possess a bank account that is in your name and can receive euro.
What Happens If I Get Sick Or Injured On Board? In case of health issues or an accident, you are completely secured through Viking health and accident insurance (applicable only for our European itineraries with Swiss, German, French or Portuguese contracts).
How Do I Get To The Ship? Your agent and/or our HR department will provide you with information regarding how to arrive at your assigned vessel. To get there, you need to arrange and prepay for your own transportation to and from the ship. At the end of your probationary period, your travel costs will be reimbursed by Viking. Travel to and from the ship during your fully paid vacation will not be covered.
Can Family And Friends Come And Visit Me For The Day? In general, this is possible. We support our crew members showing their loved ones their place of daily duty. Nevertheless, a day visit has to be requested through onboard management and will be granted only if operational requirements allow.
Are There Places To Exercise? Due to the design of the ship, we are not able to offer any exercise facilities on board. Nevertheless, as we are docked every day, there are typically plenty of opportunities to work out, either alongside the river or in sport and training facilities located in the cities we are visiting.
Are There Places To Socialize With My Teammates? Onboard space is limited. Places to meet are the crew mess and a designated outside crew area on top of the ship. And, do not forget—you are in a different destination every day. Go out and explore it. |
Can I Drink Alcohol On Board? We are unable to sell alcohol to our crew members on board. Though we do not encourage the intake of alcohol, you are, of course, allowed to enjoy alcoholic beverages in the crew mess or another designated area when you are not on duty. Nevertheless, we will not and do not tolerate intoxicated crew members.