+421 918 943 595

backup job agency, s.r.o.

backup job agency, s.r.o.

backup job agency, s.r.o.

backup job agency, s.r.o.

backup job agency, s.r.o.



Lodná spoločnosť Grand Circle Cruise Line je jedna z najviac oceňovaných lodných spoločnosti, ktorá prevádzkuje riečne a zaoceánske výletné lode s americkou klientelou.

Riečne lode GCCL majú kapacitu cca 140 hostí a plávajú po riekach v Európe. Šesť na rieke Rýn, Mohan (Main) a Dunaj, jedna na rieke Labe a štyri vo Francúzsku na rieke Seina a Rhone.


GCCL logo




  • 4* riečne výletné lode
  • Americká klientela
  • Maltské alebo francúzske pracovné zmluvy
  • Hradené zdravotné a úrazové poistenie (maltská zmluva)
  • Hradené zdravotné, úrazové a sociálne poistenie (francúzska zmluva)
  • Servisné (tip) cca 500 - 900 €/mesiac na všetky pozície
  • Bonus pri ukončení sezóny
  • Poskytnuté ubytovanie a strava zdarma
  • Preplácané náklady na vycestovanie
  • Poskytnutá uniforma
  • Nárok na platenú dovolenku počas sezóny
  • Bezplatné WIFI
  • Možnosti účasti na výletoch pre hostí
  • Vstup do posilňovne a wellness centra pre hostí
  • 50 % zľava na masáže na palube
  • Dĺžka sezóny/zmluvy od marca do decembra
  • Pracovný turnus vo Francúzsku je 40 dní na lodi/20 dní sa čerpá platená dovolenka. Cestovné náklady sú hradené.

Work with the World's Best! 

At Grand Circle, our #1 goal is to deliver our travelers the best travel experience at the best value—to lead as the best cruise line and travel company in the industry.

Gccl Awards

Gold List awards

World’s Best River Cruise Line

2014 | Ranked #1

2013 | Ranked #1

2006-2012 | Ranked among Top 10




In GCCL you will find the best possible advantages of growing your career. 

With our promotion process and step up system we do give our associates the chance to grow with us and move their careers. 

We are dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary individuals who inspire our vision, and exceed our guests' expectations.


Why working for GCCL?

Why are we different?

GCCL believes that associates are #1. We do hire our crew based on values and skills.

Together with our Hospitality Management Team we can overlook the processes throughout the fleet and create individual career plans. 

Furthermore we would like to share with you the following:


Our new salary package includes competitive salaries and benefits packages relative to the industry and community.


GCCL fosters career growth. Eight out of ten managers were grown internally.


As our travellers are solely from the United States you can improve your English skills in just a few weeks and become a real expert.


GCCL ships have an occupancy of 97% therefore the atmosphere on our ships is just amazing.


While sailing through Europe you can be part of our learning and discovery and gain knowledge about Europe and its history.